
  • Alisher Yrymtai І.Жансүгіров атындағы Жетісу университеті,
  • Sulushash Ongarbayeva І.Жансүгіров атындағы Жетісу университеті



digital educational environment, information technologies, computer technologies and digital technologies, digitalization of education, training of specialists, professional activity


The article deals with the issue of teacher training for professional activity in the
context of digitalization of education. Among the main recommendations for university
administrations and teachers who train teachers, it is possible to formulate: a predictive
analysis of the needs of emerging niches and the labor market; formulation of learning goals
in accordance with promising areas of scientific and technical developments; active use of
digital technologies in the educational process, etc.
The purpose of the article is to improve training for professional activity in the context
of digitalization of education. As for the topic of digital technologies in high school, it should
be noted that, firstly, moving in this direction is not just a national decision and priority, and,
secondly, it has a deep meaning and purpose, not an end in itself. Today, international
cooperation and the exchange of experience on innovative teaching and learning methods are
dynamically developing.
Materials and methods. Information and communication technologies play an
important role in the modern world. When describing modern society, researchers use the
terms "Information Society" or "digital society". It shows that modern technologies play an
important role in the daily life of a modern person.
The article is devoted to the urgent problem of preparing future teachers for the
professional implementation of digitalization of education. The author draws attention to the
fact that universities do not yet ensure the readiness of students to use digital technologies and
devices in teaching activities. In order for students to acquire the skills of introducing digital
technologies into the educational process for pedagogical purposes, there is a need to
reorganize curricula and disciplines. A special place in the training of a future teacher should
be occupied by the methodology of teaching a school subject based on digitalization. The
article also presents the composition of new "digital" teacher competencies based on the
concept of human individuality. With the development of society, theory and practice of
education, the number of requirements for a teacher increases. If twenty years ago a diagnostic
function of professional activity appeared, then research, and the teacher was assessed for
such qualities as creative activity, innovation, innovation, today digital literacy, mastery of
digital technologies, methodological techniques for including devices in the educational
process, etc. are expected from a modern teacher. This is the objective truth!

