the right to education, multilateral international legal acts, acts of the regional level, regional associations, cooperation, rights and freedomsAbstract
This article discusses the preparation of tasks, assignments and exercises, accompanied by
methodological guidelines used to improve the effectiveness of using integrated STEAM methods
in teaching practical classes in technical specialties.
The purpose of the study is to coordinate the methodology of conducting practical classes
with appropriate settings for students with leading didactic goals. The use of exploratory
laboratory work and practical tasks based on a problem basis in the practice of teaching.
Ideas and main directions: the use of collective and group forms of work, the maximum use
of individual forms in order to increase the responsibility of each student for independently
completing the full scope of tasks.
Scientific significance: conducting practical exercises at a high level of complexity in the
implementation of tasks by students related to the choice of work conditions, clarifying goals, and
self-selection of necessary equipment.
Practical significance: STEAM education is an integrative pedagogical technology aimed
at the formation of key competencies of the XXI century, on the basis of which methods, techniques
and methods of problem-based, project-based, research and practice-oriented learning aimed at
forming a holistic picture of the world for students, in order to prepare them to solve current and
potential problems of various scales and types. adaptation in dynamically changing conditions.
The results of the research work: allowed us to present new perspectives in the field of
practical application. Thus, integrated STEM learning based on Game Based learning(GBL),
Problem-based learning(PBL), and creative matrix methods has become an effective teaching
method and has been able to positively affect the quality and learning outcomes of students.
The essence of the research: - selection of additional tasks and assignments for students working
at a fast pace, in order to effectively use the time allocated for laboratory work and practical exercises.